Minggu, 06 September 2009


Sahabat adalah segala-galanya tiada yang lebih bermakna selain S A H A B A T. Sahabat yang baik adalah sahabat yang mau mengerti dan mau merasakan apa yang sedang dirasakan SAHABAT. Sahabat sejati adalah yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan berbagai rintangan. Hanya bisa dipisahkan dengan KEMATIAN. Tiada yang berharga selain SAHABAT karena sahabat tempat mencurahkan rasa dihati, pelipur rasa lara yang tak akan pernah sirna. Tanpa sahabat dunia terasa hampa dan dengan adanya SAHABAT hidup ini bagai disurGa.
Yang dapat di nilai sebagai seJatI adlh sbb:

P2 (Pengartian dan Perhatian)
Mau merasakan apa yang sedang dirasakan
Tempat mencurahkan rasa baHagiA or sEdiH
Pelipur rasa dukA dan LarA
Mau bantu nyelesein masalah sebErat apapUn

So kalo pengen diakui sebagai saHabat SeJati lakuin itU jangan sampai nyimpang..... OK!!!

Ada SaHabat ada maSalaH pasti laNgsuNg teRseLeSaikan.

Kalo ada SAhAbAt sEjAtI pasTi qita akan selaLu HApPY And tidak ada KeSedIHaN yaNg hamPir ada paDa HiDUp qita. OK!!!


Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

song for gaza


A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Sekretaris Profesional

Syarat Profesional Sekretaris

Selama ini, orang cenderung mendeskripsikan seorang sekretaris sebagai sosok wanita berpenampilan cantik dan menarik. Anggapan ini jelas salah besar. Karena seorang sekretaris tidak melulu ahrus selorang wanita. Dan kalaupun ia wanita, tidak selalu harus cantik dan menarik.
Secara professional, ada sejumlah syarat seorang sekretaris yang baik.
Personality. Di antaranya sabar, tekun, disiplin, tidak cepat menyerah, berpenampilan baik, jujur, loyal, pandai berbicara, sopan dan bisa menjaga image perusahannya.
General Knowledge. Memiliki kemampuan memadai terhadap segala sesuatu perubahan dan perkembangan yang terjadi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas organisasi.
Special knowledge. Memiliki pengetahuan yang berkaitan khusus dengan posisinya sebagai seorang sekretaris.
Skill and technic, di antaranya meliputi kemampuan mengetik, koresponednsi, stenografi (sekarang bukan syarat mutlak) dan kearsipan.
Practice, kemampuan melaksanakan tugas seharu-hari seperti menerima telepon, menerima tamu, menyiapkan rapat, membuat agenda pimpinan dll

Sumber : Bu Nani

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009


Remembering me, discover and see,
All over the world, she's known as a girl,
To those who are free, the mind shall be key,
Forgotten as the past, 'cause history will last.

God is a girl, wherever you are,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, whatever you say,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, however you live,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, she's only a girl,
Do you believe it, can you receive it?

[Long remix]

She wants to shine, forever in time,
She is so driven, she's always mine,
Clearly and free, she wants you to be,
A part of the future, a girl like me,
There is a sky, illuminating us,
Someone is out there, that we truly trust,
There is a rainbow, for you and me,
A beautiful sunrise, eternally.

[Long remix]

God is a girl, wherever you are,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, whatever you say,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, however you live,
Do you believe it, can you receive it,
God is a girl, she's only a girl,
Do you believe it, can you receive it?

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

a FRIEND is someone to run to.. u can talk about anything… anytime… any place…

she/her will literly come looking for at at 1 in the morning when she knows u cry!!

She/He will cry w/you.. laugh w/you… Sometimes even got BROKE with you!!!

that is my own definition of FRIEND!

Tho’ there are what u can FRIEND W/BENEFIT… (NOOO ITS NOT LIKE DAT!!)

A friend with BENEFIT is.. she/he will only be ur friend when theres a benefit.,.. NOT neceserely physical… it could be MONEY… AND OTHER THINGS…

anywayz… yeah.. u GO NAIF!! UR THE BEST AND KEEP IT UP!!



buat temen2 yg mau kasih comment..........aq tunggu....................

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

apa sich itu temen?????

coba km pikir......apa km udah jadi temen yg baik bwt si dia?????????